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Production of Sn-117m in the BR2 and HFIR High-Flux Reactors...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Page Number
Conference Name
Isotopes for Medicine and Industry, Embedded Topical Meeting in ANS Annual Meeting
Conference Location
Anaheim, California, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
American Nuclear Society
Conference Date

Tin-117m (T� 14.0 d; � 159 keV, 86%) is a promising radionuclide for therapeutic applications. In contrast to beta emitters, 117mSn emits low-energy conver-sion electrons that deposit their intense energy (127, 129, 152 keV) within a short range (0.22 - 0.29 mm) which can destroy tumors but not damage the bone marrow or other healthy tissues. The 159 keV gamma photons are ideal for imaging to monitor the cancer. This paper reports the results of 117mSn production yield calculations and measurements for several irradiation conditions which can be achieved in both the BR2 (Mol, Belgium) and HFIR (Oak Ridge, USA) High-Flux research reactors.