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A Pulse-Controlled Modified Burst Test Instrument for Accident-Tolerant Fuel Cladding ...

by Mahmut N Cinbiz, Nicholas R Brown, Kurt A Terrani, Richard R Lowden, Donald L Erdman Iii
Publication Type
Journal Name
Annals of Nuclear Energy
Publication Date
Page Numbers
396 to 404

Pellet-cladding mechanical interaction due to thermal expansion of nuclear fuel pellets during a reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) is a potential mechanism for failure of nuclear fuel cladding. To investigate the mechanical behavior of cladding during an RIA, we developed a mechanical pulse-controlled modified burst test instrument that simulates transient events with a pulse width from 10 to 300 ms. This paper includes validation tests of unirradiated and prehydrided ZIRLO cladding tubes. A ZIRLO cladding sample with a hydrogen content of 168 wt. ppm showed ductile behavior and failed at the maximum limits of the test setup with hoop strain to failure greater than 9.2%. ZIRLO samples showed high resistance to failure even at very high hydrogen contents (1,466 wt. ppm). When the hydrogen content was increased to 1,554 wt. ppm, brittle-like behavior was observed at a hoop strain of 2.5%. Preliminary scoping tests at room temperature with FeCrAl tubes were conducted to imitate the pulse behavior of transient test reactors during integral tests. The preliminary FeCrAl tests are informative from the perspective of characterizing the test rig and supporting the design of integral tests for current and potentially accident tolerant cladding materials.