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Radio Astronomy Software Defined Receiver Project...

by Bogdan Vacaliuc, Marcus Leech, Paul Oxley, Richard Flagg, David E Fields
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Publisher Location
Washington, Virginia, United States of America
Conference Name
Annual meeting of the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers
Conference Location
Green Bank, West Virginia, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Conference Date

The paper describes a Radio Astronomy Software Defined Receiver (RASDR) that is currently under development. RASDR is targeted for use by amateurs and small institutions where cost is a primary consideration. The receiver will operate from HF thru 2.8 GHz. Front-end components such as preamps, block down-converters and pre-select bandpass filters are outside the scope of this development and will be provided by the user. The receiver includes RF amplifiers and attenuators, synthesized LOs, quadrature down converters, dual 8 bit ADCs and a Signal Processor that provides firmware processing of the digital bit stream. RASDR will interface to a user’s PC via a USB or higher speed Ethernet LAN connection. The PC will run software that provides processing of the bit stream, a graphical user interface, as well as data analysis and storage. Software should support MAC OS, Windows and Linux platforms and will focus on such radio astronomy applications as total power measurements, pulsar detection, and spectral line studies.