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Rapid, parallel identification of pathways for catabolism of lignin-derived aromatic compounds in Novosphingobium aromaticivo...

by Jacob Cecil, David C Garcia, Richard J Giannone, Joshua K Michener
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Applied and Environmental Microbiology
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Transposon mutagenesis is a powerful technique in microbial genetics for the identification of genes in uncharacterized pathways. Recently, the throughput of transposon mutagenesis techniques has been dramatically increased through the combination of DNA barcoding and high-throughput sequencing. Here we show that, when applied to catabolic pathways, barcoded transposon libraries can be used to distinguish redundant pathways, decompose complex pathways into substituent modules, discriminate between enzyme homologs, and rapidly identify previously-hypothetical enzymes in an unbiased genome-scale search. We use this technique to identify two genes, which we name desC and desD, are involved in the degradation of the lignin-derived aromatic compound sinapic acid in the non-model bacterium Novosphingobium aromaticivorans. We show that DesC is a methyl-esterase acting on an intermediate formed during sinapic acid catabolism, providing the last enzyme in a proposed catabolic pathway. This approach will be particularly useful in the identification of complete pathways suitable for heterologous expression in metabolic engineering.