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RASDR: Benchtop Demonstration of SDR for Radio Astronomy...

by Bogdan Vacaliuc, Paul Oxley, David E Fields, Stan Kurtz, Marcus Leech
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Annual meeting of the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers
Conference Location
Green Bank, West Virginia, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Conference Date

The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) members present the benchtop version of RASDR, a Software Defined Radio (SDR) that is optimized for Radio Astronomy. RASDR has the potential to be a common digital receiver interface useful to many SARA members. This document describes the “RASDR 0.0”, which provides digitized radio data to a backend computer through a USB 2.0 interface. A primary component of RASDR is the Lime Microsystems Femtocell chip which tunes from a 0.4-4 GHz center frequency with several selectable bandwidths from 0.75 MHz to 14 MHz. A second component is a board with a Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) chip that connects to the Femtocell and provides two USB connections to the backend computer. A third component is an analog balanced mixer up conversion section. Together these three components enable RASDR to tune from 0.015 MHz thru 3.8GHz of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. We will demonstrate and discuss capabilities of the breadboard system and SARA members will be able to operate the unit hands-on throughout the workshop.