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The R&D of the FreedomCAR Materials Program...

by Joseph Carpenter, Edward Daniels, Philip S Sklad, Charles D Warren, Mark Smith
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
IABC 2006 - World Auto Body Expo
Conference Location
Novi, Michigan, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
International Automotive Body Congress (IABC)
Conference Date

Expanding world economic prosperity, probable peaking of conventional petroleum production capacity in the coming decades and climate concerns require efforts to increase the efficiency of the use of and to develop alternatives to, petroleum-based fuels used in automotive transportation. The US Department of Energy (USDOE) has been aggressively pursuing research and development (R&D) on both approaches for over ten years. This presentation will focus on the materials and manufacturing R&D aimed at lightweighting of the bodies and chassis of light-duty automotive vehicles such as autos, vans, pickup trucks, and SUVs.