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Reaction Rates and Prediction of Thermal Instability during Aluminum Alloy 6061 Dissolution...

by Joanna Mcfarlane, David W Depaoli, Catherine H Mattus
Publication Type
Journal Name
Separation Science and Technology
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1894 to 1905

Chemical kinetics of dissolution of aluminum alloy 6061 was investigated for the processing of Pu-238 for deep space missions. The rate of dissolution was measured by the heat release and appeared to be controlled by the rate of release of Al(OH)4− from the metal surface. Rates of reaction were measured from 273 to 365 K, giving an activation energy of 72 ± 13 kJ⋅(mol Al)−1 and a pre-exponential factor of 5 ± 3 × 109 dm3mol−1min−1. Minor alloying elements did not appear to affect the reaction kinetics. The average heat of dissolution was −360 ± 70 kJ⋅(mol NaAlO2)−1. When extrapolated to an infinitely dilute solution of aluminum, kJ⋅(mol NaAlO2)−1.