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Reactor Physics Experiment NEA Benchmark Possibilities from Measurements at ORCEF and Other USDOE Facilities

by John T Mihalczo
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

This report documents a wide variety of critical and subcritical reactor physics measurements that could be included in the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments. The experiments were performed by John T. Mihalczo and coworkers at many (8) DOE facilities including the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Critical Experiments Facility (ORCEF between 1958 and 1975), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Babcock and Wilcox at Lynchburg, Virginia, and the Y-12 National Security Complex (the latter between 1975 and up to 2006). This report lists the various measurement programs and a limited description of the reactor physics measurement that were performed in each that could be benchmarks. Some criticality safety measurements at these facilities have already been documented in the NEA International Handbook of evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments. Some of these reactor physics measurements have also been documented in the literature and this document give a complete list of references for which John T. Mihalczo was an author or co-author. The experiments are divided into four classes: critical experiments only, critical and subsequent subcritical experiments, subcritical experiments at critical facilities, and subcritical measurements performed in material balance areas of the Y-12 National Security Complex (NSC) and other facilities. Because of the high cost and large amount of facility time related to these measurements, it is very cost-effective to mine the existing data to produce NEA reactor physics benchmarks. The information for many of these measurements is documented in critical experiment and subcritical experiment logbooks at the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Program at Idaho National Laboratory and in Laboratory Records at Oak Ridge National laboratory.