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Refractory Issues Related to the Use of Hydrogen as An Alternative Fuel...

by James G Hemrick
Publication Type
Journal Name
American Ceramic Society Bulletin
Publication Date
Page Numbers
26 to 31

With the increased interest and funding to investigate hydrogen as an alternative fuel to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, considerations may also be necessary to evaluate the effects of fuel substitutions on industrial processes and process vessels. One area that has not received significant attention is the effects on refractory ceramic lining systems when industrial furnaces are fired on hydrogen in place of or in addition to traditional fuels. Examples of changes in burner design and implementation when firing hydrogen can be found in the literature, but much less is documented regarding the effects on processes and process vessels. This article attempts to present some of the issues encountered when substituting hydrogen as an alternative industrial fuel source and to highlight some examples of where this is occurring. Additionally, the possible ramifications of these issues on refractory ceramic lining systems are discussed.