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Report on initial development of a database of nuclear graphite characteristics based on microstructural characterization...

by Jose' D Arregui Mena, Nidia C Gallego
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

This report outlines the current and future efforts to produce a comprehensive library of microstructures of nuclear graphite and carbon-based materials that are candidate materials for nuclear applications in the United States. This library must contain extensive characterizations of unirradiated graphite materials, a guide to some of the techniques used to characterize graphite, a compendium of characterization data of neutron-irradiated or oxidized material, and a compendium of microstructural information of carbon-based materials. These characterization efforts are being conducted at various length scales to understand these complex materials’ local structure and property relationships. Achieving this goal requires further developing or adapting advanced characterization techniques that capture graphite’s most relevant characteristics.
Some of the general objectives of this project are to aid with the material selection, licensing, management, and core assessments of a graphite core by documenting the unirradiated microstructure of relevant grades or by characterizing the evolution of the microstructure under the reactor environment. Moreover, this project aims to provide additional information, guidelines for characterizing graphite, and a protocol to assess a nuclear graphite grade.
This report also summarizes some of the initial results and some of the techniques commonly used to characterize nuclear graphite.