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Results of External Technical Reviews of Site Modeling Efforts That Support System Plans...

Publication Type
Journal Name
Technology and Innovation – Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors
Publication Date
Page Numbers
107 to 117

An External Technical Review (ETR) team evaluated the system-level modeling and simulation tools
in support of Savannah River Site and Office of River Protection liquid waste processing and disposal
systems. The reviews focused on the following primary areas: software and modeling tools, capability
to model needed facilities and operations, rate at which predictions are performed, and need for additional
tools. The Liquid Waste Disposition Systems at these sites are highly integrated operations that
involve safely storing liquid waste in underground storage tanks; removing, treating, and disposing
low-activity fraction on-site; vitrifying high-level waste; and storing the vitrified waste until permanent
disposition at a Federal Repository. The purpose of the ETR team was to evaluate the current process
simulation tools that support the planning basis for life cycle liquid waste disposition system plans.
These plans establish a base for processing the constituents of liquid waste systems to the end of the
program mission. Observations and recommendations were made for each of the review areas. In
general, tools appear to provide reasonable estimates for their intended purposes; however, additional
functionality and new tools are needed, as well as greater flexibility and improved performance in
producing estimates for planning purposes.