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Rethinking PCMI Failures Under Transient Conditions...

by Paul E Cantonwine, Bob Rand
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Proceedings of TOPFUEL 2022 Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference
Publication Date
Page Numbers
678 to 684
Publisher Location
Illinois, United States of America
Conference Name
Conference Location
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
American Nuclear Society
Conference Date

Under PCMI conditions, the cladding strain is driven by either pellet swelling during normal operation or pellet thermal expansion in transients. The loading in PCMI is displacement controlled because friction between the pellet and the cladding results in a strain compatibility at the pellet/cladding interface. Failure is known to occur under PCMI loading conditions during operation when normal power changes result in release of iodine (and other fission products) causing stress corrosion cracking where the crack-propagation rate is dependent upon the cladding stress but slow relative to strictly mechanical failures. Failures after normal power changes are often referred to as failure by pellet-cladding interaction or PCI to distinguish it from PCMI. Such failures are considered displacement-controlled failures, as noted above, and occur with limited plastic strain. This is different to what is typically thought of as PCMI failure under transient conditions, either Anticipated Operational Occurrences (AOOs) or Reactivity Insertion Accidents (RIAs), which is generally assumed to occur once the cladding reaches a mechanical strain limit. But there are two features in the typical PCMI failure in an RIA that are not consistent with the PCMI assumptions. The first is the ductile shear failure feature in cross section and the second is a large crack opening post failure (e.g., see OI-11 failure in NSRR program). The ductile feature is indicative of a plastic instability that requires very large local strains, and the large crack opening must be the result of a release of energy, both of which are not expected if stress in the cladding was only driven by thermal expansion in the pellet. It is concluded that there must be a mechanism (likely related to rod internal pressure) that eliminates strain compatibility between the pellet and cladding – allowing strain localization to occur in what are known as PCMI transient failures. In some sense, these PCMI failures may actually be early burst failures that occur when thermal expansion causes uniform strains greater than a defined limit and fission gas pressure eliminate the strain compatibility