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Scalability Analysis of Gleipnir: A Memory Tracing and Profiling Tool, on Titan...

by Tomislav Janjusic, Christos Kartsaklis, Dali Wang
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Cray User Group
Conference Location
Lugano, Switzerland
Conference Date

Application performance is hindered by a variety of factors but most notably driven by the well know CPU-memory speed gap (also known as the memory wall). Understanding application’s memory behavior is key if we are trying to optimize performance.
Understanding application performance properties is facilitated with various performance profiling tools. The scope of profiling tools varies in complexity, ease of deployment, profiling performance, and the detail of profiled information. Specifically, using profiling tools for performance analysis is a common task when optimizing and understanding scientific applications on complex and large scale systems such as Cray’s XK7.
This paper describes the performance characteristics of using Gleipnir, a memory tracing tool, on the Titan Cray XK7 system when instrumenting large applications such as the Community Earth System Model.
Gleipnir is a memory tracing tool built as a plug-in tool for the Valgrind instrumentation framework. The goal of Gleipnir is to provide fine-grained trace information. The generated traces are a stream of executed memory transactions mapped to internal structures per process, thread, function, and finally the data structure or variable.
Our focus was to expose tool performance characteristics when using Gleipnir with a combination of an external tools such as a cache simulator, Gl CSim, to characterize the tool’s overall performance.
In this paper we describe our experience with deploying Gleipnir on the Titan Cray XK7 system, report on the tool’s ease-of-use, and analyze run-time performance characteristics under various workloads. While all performance aspects are important we mainly focus on I/O characteristics analysis due to the emphasis on the tools output which are trace-files. Moreover, the tool is dependent on the run-time system to provide the necessary infrastructure to expose low level system detail; therefore, we also discuss any theoretical benefits that can be achieved if such modules were present.