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Scalable Hyper-parameter Estimation for Gaussian Process Based Time Series Analysis...

by Varun Chandola, Ranga R Vatsavai
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
The 2nd KDD Workshop on Large-scale Data Mining: Theory and Applications (LDMTA 2010)
Conference Location
Washington, Virginia, United States of America
Conference Date

Gaussian process (GP) is increasingly becoming popular as a kernel machine learning tool for non-parametric data analysis. Recently, GP has been applied to model non-linear dependencies in time series data. GP based analysis can be used to solve problems of time series prediction, forecasting, missing data imputation, change point detection, anomaly detection, etc. But the use of GP to handle massive scientific time series data sets has been limited, owing to its expensive computational complexity. The primary bottleneck is the handling of the covariance matrix whose size is quadratic in the length of the time series. In this paper we propose a scalable method that exploit the special structure of the covariance matrix for hyper-parameter estimation in GP based learning. The proposed method allows estimation of hyper parameters associated with GP in quadratic time, which is an order of magnitude improvement over standard methods with cubic complexity. Moreover, the proposed method does not require explicit computation of the covariance matrix and hence has memory requirement linear to the length of the time series as opposed to the quadratic memory requirement of standard methods. To further improve the computational complexity of the proposed method, we provide a parallel version to concurrently estimate the log likelihood for a set of time series which is the key step in the hyper-parameter estimation. Performance results on a multi-core system show that our proposed method provides significant speedups as high as 1000, even when running in serial mode, while maintaining a small memory footprint. The parallel version exploits the natural parallelization potential of the serial algorithm and is shown to perform significantly better than the serial faster algorithm, with speedups as high as 10.