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Scale-Dependent Bedform Migration and Deformation in the Physical and Spectral Domains...

by Jiyong Lee, Mirko Musa, Michele Guala
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 22

Multi-scale bathymetries observed in laboratory channels and natural rivers have posed several challenges to the description of bedform geometry and kinematics. To better quantify scale-dependent migration velocity, high resolution spatio-temporal bed evolution data are analyzed using three independent methods: (i) a bedform tracking method that identifies individual bedforms in longitudinal bed elevation profiles, (ii) a cross-correlation based, image matching technique in consecutive bathymetry scans similar to Particle Image Velocimetry, and (iii) two-dimensional frequency-wavenumber spectra marking a dispersion relation between bedform period and length, allowing estimation of Fourier-based, scale-dependent migration velocities. The comparative studies show that the spectral and bedform tracking methods present small differences in the migration velocity of medium-large bedforms. However, significant deviations occur in the small bedforms, mostly due to bedform sheltering or amplified exposure to the flow, which also contribute to their enhanced scale-dependent deformation. The analysis also shows that some form of scale separation is needed to extract the large and slowly migrating bedforms as they are masked by secondary features when several bedform orders coexist. Bathymetric Image Velocimetry reasonably estimates the averaged migration velocity and exhibits potential to study relations between spanwise bed surface velocity and local bedform kinematics.