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Signature of the Fragmentation of a Color Flux Tube...

by Cheuk-yin Wong
Publication Type
Journal Name
Physical Review D
Publication Date

The production of quark-antiquark pairs along a color flux tube
precedes the fragmentation of the tube. Because of the local
conservation of momentum and charge, the production of a $q$-$\bar q$
pair will lead to correlations of adjacently produced mesons (mostly
pions). Adjacently produced pions however can be signalled by the
their rapidity difference $\Delta y$ falling within the window of
$|\Delta y | < 1/(dN_\pi/dy)$, on account of the space-time-rapidity
ordering of produced pions in a flux tube fragmentation. Therefore,
the local conservation of momentum will lead to a suppression of
azimuthal two-pion correlation $dN/(d\Delta \phi\, d\Delta y)$ on the
near side at $(\Delta \phi, \Delta y) \sim 0$, but an enhanced
azimuthal correlation on the back-to-back, away side at $(\Delta
\phi$$\sim$$ \pi,\Delta y$$\sim$0). Similarly, in a flux tube
fragmentation, the local conservation of charge will forbid the
production of like charge pions within $|\Delta y | < 1/(dN_\pi/dy)$,
but there is no such prohibition for $|\Delta y| >1/(dN_\pi/dy)$.
These properties may be used as the signature for the fragmentation of
a color flux tube.