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SorpPropLib : An Open-Source Database for Sorption Equilibrium Properties...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2021 Proceedings
Book Title
ISHPC 2021 Proceedings: Online Pre-Conference 2020
Publication Date
Page Numbers
33 to 36
Publisher Location
Conference Name
International Sorption Heat Pump Conference (ISHPC 2021)
Conference Location
Virtual, Germany
Conference Sponsor
Technische Universität Berlin
Conference Date

Hundreds of sorption working pair equilibrium measurements have been reported in the literature, and many experimental results have been fitted to equilibrium equations. However, an open database does not exist for the equilibrium equations. Therefore, this work compiled 438 published equilibrium equations of sorption working pairs into an open-source database called SorpPropLib. SorpPropLib is accessible from six programming environments commonly used in sorption cycle simulation (C++, Excel®, Python®, Matlab®, Modelica® and Lab-VIEW™). Plotting capabilities allow fast cycle visualization in each programming environment. Thereby, the open-source database SorpPropLib aims to enable and encourage easy data sharing to advance sorption research.