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A Sparse Distributed Gigascale Resolution Material Point Method

Publication Type
Journal Name
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 21

In this article, we present a four-layer distributed simulation system and its adaptation to the Material Point Method (MPM). The system is built upon a performance portable C++ programming model targeting major High-Performance-Computing (HPC) platforms. A key ingredient of our system is a hierarchical block-tile-cell sparse grid data structure that is distributable to an arbitrary number of Message Passing Interface (MPI) ranks. We additionally propose strategies for efficient dynamic load balance optimization to maximize the efficiency of MPI tasks. Our simulation pipeline can easily switch among backend programming models, including OpenMP and CUDA, and can be effortlessly dispatched onto supercomputers and the cloud. Finally, we construct benchmark experiments and ablation studies on supercomputers and consumer workstations in a local network to evaluate the scalability and load balancing criteria. We demonstrate massively parallel, highly scalable, and gigascale resolution MPM simulations of up to 1.01 billion particles for less than 323.25 seconds per frame with 8 OpenSSH-connected workstations.