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Spherical torus pathway to fusion energy...

by Yueng-kay M Peng
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Fusion Energy
Publication Date
Page Number

Spherical Torus (ST) as an example of confinement concept innovation to enable a potentially
attractive pathway to fusion power is discussed. Given the anticipated high performance in small
size, the ST plasma could be used to stimulate innovation also in engineering, technology, and
material combinations to provide a smarter, cheaper, faster pathway. This pathway could complement
the mainline program based on the tokamak in making the desired progress in fusion energy
sciences. The ST pathway could include a small VNS (Volume Neutron Source) with low fusion
amplification (Q ~ 1-2) for Fusion Energy Development (energy technology) and a small Pilot
Plant with high Q (—15-30) to practice Fusion Power Demonstration. Success in these steps also
enhances the possibility for competitive non-electric applications of interest to society in time scales
shorter than electric power generation. The scientific basis for these possibilities will be tested in
the U.S. by the Proof of Principle experiment NSTX (National Spherical Torus Experiment) presently
being built, and could be completed by a Proof of Performance and Optimization experiment
such as a small DTST (Deuterium-Tritium Spherical Torus). Utilization of facilities and equipment
already available in the U.S. would minimize the time and cost for these experiments and accelerate
the approach to the stage of Fusion Energy Development.