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Spin Rotation Technique for Non-Collinear Magnetic Systems: Application to the Generalized Villain Model...

by Jason T Haraldsen, Randy S Fishman
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Publication Date
Page Number

This work develops a new generalized technique for determining the static and dynamic properties
of any non-collinear magnetic system. By rotating the spin operators into the local spin reference
frame, we evaluate the zeroth, first, and second order terms in a Holstein-Primakoff expansion, and
through a Green�s functions approach, we determine the structure factor intensities for the spin-wave
frequencies. To demonstrate this technique, we examine the spin-wave dynamics of the generalized
Villain model with a varying interchain interaction. The new interchain coupling expands the overall
phase diagram with the realization of two non-equivalent canted spin configurations. The rotational
Holstein-Primakoff expansion provides both analytical and numerical results for the spin dynamics
and intensities of these phases.