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Spin-wave multiple excitations in nanoscale classical Heisenberg antiferromagnets...

by Zhuofei Hou, David Landau, George M Stocks, G. Brown
Publication Type
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Physical Review B
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Monte Carlo and spin dynamics techniques have been used to perform large-scale simulations of the dynamic behavior of a nanoscale, classical, Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a simple-cubic latticewith linear sizesL ≤ 40 at a temperature below the N´eel temperature. Nanoparticles are modeled with completely free boundary conditions, i.e., six free surfaces, and nanofilms are modeled with two free surfaces in the spatial z direction and periodic boundaries parallel to the surfaces in the xy direction, which are compared to the “infinite” system with periodic boundary conditions. The temporal evolutions of spin configurations were determined numerically from coupled equations of motion for individual spins using a fast spin dynamics algorithm with the fourth-order Suzuki-Trotter decomposition of exponential operators, with initial spin configurations generated by Monte Carlo simulations.
The local dynamic structure factor S(q,ω) was calculated from the local space- and time-displaced spin-spin
correlation function. Multiple excitation peaks for wave vectors within the first Brillouin zone appear in the
spin-wave spectra of the transverse component of dynamic structure factor ST (q,ω) in the nanoscale classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet, which are lacking if periodic boundary conditions are used. With the assumption of q-space spin-wave reflections with broken momentum conservation due to free-surface confinements, we successfully explained those spectra quantitatively in the linear dispersion region. Meanwhile, we also observed two unexpected quantized spin-wave excitation modes in the spatial z direction in nanofilms for ST (q,ω) not
expected in bulk systems. The results of this study indicate the presence of unexpected forms of spin-wave
excitation behavior that have yet to be observed experimentally but could be directly tested through neutron scattering experiments on nanoscale RbMnF3 particles or films.