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Standardizing a Renewed Fission Product Yield Library and Related Covariances (Part II)

by Marco T Pigni
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

A complete library of independent fission product yields including covariance information was generated by a sequential Bayesian methodology whose prior information consisted of independent fission product yields and branching ratios of the possible decay modes reported in the recently released ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data library. The Bayesian procedure consisted in the adjustment of independent fission product yields to match the set of stable and long-lived cumulative yields reported in the ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data library which, in this work, were considered as legacy values together with their uncertainties. According to the chi2-metric, the results obtained by this methodology show a systematic improvement in the agreement with
legacy reported cumulative yields for the entire adjusted independent fission product yield library.