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Survey and Benchmark of Benefits of High Voltage SiC Applications in Medium Voltage Power Distribution Grids

by Fei Wang, Haiguo Li
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

The main objective of this survey and benchmark study is to identify and document potential high-impact applications in today's and future medium voltage (MV) distribution grids that will significantly benefit from high voltage (HV) (i.e. > 3.3 kV) SiC-based power electronics equipment. In particular, it is desirable to identify applications that can utilize the high switching speed and high control bandwidth enabled by SiC-based equipment. Specifically, the benefits of using SiC are quantified through the benchmark analysis and design using simulation for the selected high-impact applications. In addition, to provide grid support services, it is necessary to consider grid requirements in the grid-connected converter's design. Therefore, the impact of grid requirements on the HV SiC-based grid-connected converter is evaluated.