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Thermal Fission Pathways in ^{232}Th...

by Jordan D Mcdonnell, W. Nazarewicz, J. Sheikh
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
AIP Conference Proceedings
Publication Date
Page Numbers
371 to 374
Conference Name
4th International Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission Product Spectroscopy (Fission 2009)
Conference Location
Cadarache, France
Conference Date

Two-dimensional thermal potential energy surfaces have been investigated for ^{232}Th using the finite temperature HF+BCS approach with Skyrme energy density functional SkM*. At low excitation energy, the calculated static fission path goes through families of triaxial and reflection-asymmetric shapes. With increasing excitation energy, the shallow third minimum associated with a nonzero octupole moment becomes washed out, and the static fission valley moves towards the axial and reflection-symmetric limit.