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Thermal Imaging of Medical Saw Blades and Guides...

by Ralph B Dinwiddie, Thomas E Steffner
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Publication Date
Page Numbers
245 to 254
Publisher Location
N. Bellerica, Massachusetts, United States of America
Conference Name
InfraMation 2007, Infrared Camera Applications Conference
Conference Location
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
The Infrared Training Center
Conference Date

Better Than New, LLC., has developed a surface treatment to reduce the friction and wear of orthopedic saw blades and guides. The medical saw blades were thermally imaged while sawing through fresh animal bone and an IR camera was used to measure the blade temperature as it exited the bone. The thermal performance of as-manufactured saw blades was compared to surface-treated blades, and a freshly used blade was used for temperature calibration purposes in order to account for any emissivity changes due to organic transfer layers. Thermal imaging indicates that the treated saw blades cut faster and cooler than untreated blades. In orthopedic surgery, saw guides are used to perfectly size the bone to accept a prosthesis. However, binding can occur between the blade and guide because of misalignment. This condition increases the saw blade temperature and may result in tissue damage. Both treated ad untreated saw guides were also studied. The treated saw guide operated at a significantly lower temperature than untreated guide. Saw blades and guides that operate at a cooler temperature are expected to reduce the amount of tissue damage (thermal necrosis) and may reduce the number of post-operative complications.