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Thermochemically-Informed Mass Transport Model for Zr in U-Zr Fuel...

by Max Poschmann, Markus Piro, Theodore Besmann, Srdjan Simunovic
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

Recent improvements to the coupled Thermochimica-MOOSE/BISON code system have enabled efficient calculations of species transport based on direct evaluation of composition and temperature dependent chemical potentials of the species. This presents an alternative to the traditional approach to species transport in nuclear fuels, which has been to employ a diffusion formulation that combines concentration-gradient driven Fickian diffusion with a Soret term based on a heat of transport fit to experimental data. Here we describe the application of the coupled code system to the diffusion of Zr in U-Zr metallic fuel. New classes implemented in BISON to solve this problem are documented. The Zr concentration profile after 50 years of diffusion is found to be strongly dependent on the assumptions made pertaining how to mobility is calculated in multi-phase regions of the fuel element. Two assumptions are compared (simple averaging of mobilities and using the majority phase mobility), and good qualitative agreement with experimental measurements is obtained using the majority phase assumption.