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Transitioning NWChem to the Next Generation of Manycore Machines...

Publication Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Page Numbers
165 to 186
Publisher Name
Chapman and Hall/CRC
Publisher Location
New York, New York, United States of America

The NorthWest chemistry (NWChem) modeling software is a popular molecular chemistry simulation software that was designed from the start to work on massively parallel processing supercomputers [1-3]. It contains an umbrella of modules that today includes self-consistent eld (SCF), second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster (CC), multiconguration self-consistent eld (MCSCF), selected conguration interaction (CI), tensor contraction engine (TCE) many body methods, density functional theory (DFT), time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), real-time time-dependent density functional theory, pseudopotential plane-wave density functional theory (PSPW), band structure (BAND), ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD), Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (MD), classical MD, hybrid quantum mechanics molecular mechanics (QM/MM), hybrid ab initio molecular dynamics molecular mechanics (AIMD/MM), gauge independent atomic orbital nuclear magnetic resonance (GIAO NMR), conductor like screening solvation model (COSMO), conductor-like screening solvation model based on density (COSMO-SMD), and reference interaction site model (RISM) solvation models, free energy simulations, reaction path optimization, parallel in time, among other capabilities [4]. Moreover, new capabilities continue to be added with each new release.