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U.S. Patent 8,304,670, Portable Weighing System with Alignment Features...

by Robert K Abercrombie, Gregory Richardson, Matthew Scudiere, Frederick T Sheldon
Publication Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

A system for weighing a load is disclosed. The weighing system includes a pad having at least one transducer for weighing a load disposed on the pad. In some embodiments the pad has a plurality of foot members and the weighing system may include a plate that disposed underneath the pad for receiving the plurality of foot members and for aligning the foot members when the weighing system is installed. The weighing system may include a spacer disposed adjacent the pad and in some embodiments, a spacer anchor operatively secures the spacer to a support surface, such as a plate, a railway bed, or a roadway. In some embodiments the spacer anchor operatively secures both the spacer and the pad to a roadway.