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U.S. Patent Pending, Cyberspace Security System for Complex Systems, U.S. Patent Application No.: 14/134,949...

by Robert K Abercrombie, Frederick T Sheldon, Ali Mili
Publication Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 28
Publisher Name
US Pattent Office
Publisher Location
Washington, Virginia, United States of America

A computer implemented method monetizes the security of a cyber-system in terms of losses each stakeholder may expect to lose if a security break down occurs. A non-transitory media stores instructions for generating a stake structure that includes costs that each stakeholder of a system would lose if the system failed to meet security requirements and generating a requirement structure that includes probabilities of failing requirements when computer components fails. The system generates a vulnerability model that includes probabilities of a component failing given threats materializing and generates a perpetrator model that includes probabilities of threats materializing. The system generates a dot product of the stakes structure, the requirement structure, the vulnerability model and the perpetrator model. The system can further be used to compare, contrast and evaluate alternative courses of actions best suited for the stakeholders and
their requirements.