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Where fast weathering creates thin regolith and slow weathering creates thick regolith...

Publication Type
Journal Name
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Publication Date
Page Numbers
3369 to 858

Weathering disaggregates rock into regolith–the fractured or granular earthmaterial that sustains life on the continental
land surface. Here, we investigate what controls the depth of regolith formed on ridges of two rock compositions with similar initial
porosities in Virginia (USA).A priori, we predicted that the regolith on diabasewould be thicker than on granite because the dominant
mineral (feldspar) in the diabase weathers faster than its granitic counterpart. However, weathering advanced 20deeper into the
granite than the diabase. The 20-thicker regolith is attributed mainly to connected micron-sized pores, microfractures formed
around oxidizing biotite at 20m depth, and the lower iron (Fe) content in the felsic rock. Such porosity allows pervasive advection
and deep oxidation in the granite. These observations may explainwhy regolithworldwide is thicker on felsic compared tomafic rock
under similar conditions. To understand regolith formationwill require better understanding of such deep oxidation reactions and how
they impact fluid flow during weathering.