C Jerger ISED Training

Chris T Jerger

ISED Training Group Leader

As the Founder and 22 year CEO of Training Solutions Inc., Christopher (Chris) Jerger earned a valued reputation as a training, safety, and compliance consultant; as a professional training presenter; and as a national keynote speaker on organizational performance and incident mapping.

As co-founder of the Human Performance Improvement Institute, he has seen the inherent value of measuring, predicting, and actively defending against mistakes, human errors and at-risk behaviors and is sought after as an industry leader in organization performance implementation.

As the lead designer of the InMAP Incident Investigation Mapping system, Chris brings more than just years of investigation experience, but a unique ability to analyze cultural weaknesses, identify the underlying conditions and behaviors, and then modify organizational “norms”.

As architect, designer and co-patent applicant for the WEBSMART Compliance Management Software Suite, Chris understands the intimate balance required to maintain production, quality, and compliance commitments while fostering a safety culture in an ever changing and ultra-competitive environment.

Chris believes one of the major contributors to our industry’s safety success is our collective approach for sharing insights, experience and lessons learned.  He believes his passion for excellence and his desire to preserve that type of cooperation has grown from the opportunities he has had to see both the good and the bad in hundreds of companies and to learn from each success and each failure.