Headshot of Connor J. Parker. Glasses tie shirt beard.

Connor J Parker

Postdoctoral Researcher in Actinide Chemistry

Connor has been a postdoc in RSTD since August 2022. Originally from Los Angeles, California, he joins from Clemson University in South Carolina, where he earned his PhD in Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences. Before that, he earned his undergraduate degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Notre Dame. He focuses on solid state characterization of transuranics by synthesizing crystals, firing oxides, and analyzing these materials with the suite of instrumentation we have available at ORNL's Radiochemical Engineering and Development Center (REDC). Understanding the fundamental chemistry of these solid-phase materials can help shine a light on new applications for these heavy elements that have yet to be richly characterized in the open literature like their lighter counterparts have (uranium and plutonium).


During his dissertation research, Connor studied wetland uranium geochemical transport at the Savannah River Site in conjunction with Savannah River National Lab and the Savannah River Ecology Lab at the University of Georgia. 

Ph.D. (2022), Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences, Clemson University

B.S. (2017), Environmental Engineering, University of Notre Dame