Curtis Wyatt

Curtis L Wyatt

Curtis started at ORNL as a Control Room Operator under Paul Abston in January of 2024.  His focus is to continually grow and seek new opportunities in computational science.  In this role he will monitor a wide array of systems to keep impactful research from being interrupted.

Curtis is currently earning his Associate of Applied Science Degree in Business and is projected to complete in 2025. He plans to continue and get his bachelor’s degree in computer science. He began pursuing his growth in the technology field working for a small local computer store in Crossville TN and learned by hands on experience and soaking up the knowledge from the owner.  

When not at work, Curtis enjoys going to car shows, hunting and fishing videogames, boardgames, and golf.

Curtis is working on-site in Building 5600, Room E102-B.  He can be reached at or (865) 574-5310.