Photo of Emily Ghezawi

Emily F Ghezawi

Associate Technical Professional

Emily Ghezawi (Steiner) is a technical staff member in the Mechanical Properties and Mechanics group in the Materials Science and Technology division. Her background is in ceramics with a bachelor's degree in ceramic engineering from Alfred University. Emily has been working at ORNL at her current role since November 2019 and was a post-bachelor intern for a year prior. Emily's focus has been on material characterizations; including mechanical and physical properties of ceramics and glasses.

2019 - present: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN - Technician (2019-2023); Technical Professional Staff (April 2023-present)

  • Material characterization of ceramics.
  • Lab Space Manager of 7 lab spaces.

2019: AdTech Ceramics, Chattanooga, TN. Ceramic Engineer

  • Part of the development team, whose goal was to make a new tape caste composition.

2018 - 2019: Post-Bachelor Intern at ORNL through ORAU/ORISE

  • Material characterization of ceramics and glasses.
  • Presented a poster at Dayton Beach conference on a new concept of adding rotation to the typical 3-point bend mechanical testing.

Bachelor's degree in Ceramic Engineering at Alfred University 


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