
Jen N Nelson

Production Engineer

Jen Nelson is the Operation Support Production Engineer for Isotope Processing and Manufacturing Division (IPMD). 

Jen comes to ORNL from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), where she held several positions within the Pit Production and Manufacturing Division. Her most recent position was Manufacturing Manager 3 of Operations Support for Pyrochemical Operations. 

During her time at LANL, Jen supported the Pit Production Mission in a variety of roles. Her responsibilities included ensuring that production flow maintained a consistent pace to meet key deliverables, waste stream analysis and tracking, as well as personnel assignment and training of all new hires within the group. 


Operations Support Manufacturing Manager 3, Pyrochemical Operations

Coalescence Manufacturing Manager 2, Pyrochemical Operations

Electrorefining and Coalescence Research Technician 4, Pyrochemical Operations

Electrorefining Research Technician 3, Pyrochemical Operations


LAPP Award 2022- Excellence in Waste Operations Support

SPOT Award 2018

SPOT Award 2020 

Master's of Materials Science Engineering, U of Arizona 2022

Bachelor's of Science Community Development, Central Michigan University 2019


Society of Women Engineers