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Joshua W Beard

Radiological Protection Operations Manager

I have worked in the radiological protection industry for 20+ years.  I worked for a couple of different radioactive material licensees prior to coming out to ORNL.  I got to ORNL in early 2016, starting at numerous hot cell facilities before moving to the High Flux Isotope Reactor in the middle of 2016.  I continued to work as a senior radiological control technician until October of 2019.  At that time, I was promoted to a radiological protection operations manager position in the Nuclear and Radiological Protection Division at ORNL.  I stayed in that position almost three years supporting D&D, and environmental cleanup projects before coming back to HFIR.  In July of 2022, the longtime RPO manager at HFIR decided to retire, and I was fortunate enough to be asked to come back to replace her as the RPO manager, and that is where I am today.  I hope to have a long successful career helping HFIR run successfully and achieve all their milestones going forward.

  • Associates degree in Applied Science - Roane State Community College
  • Registered Radiation Protection Technologist (NRRPT)
  • East Tennessee Chapter of the Health Physics Society