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Kayahan Saritas

Research Staff

Dr. Kayahan Saritas is an R&D Associate in the Materials Theory Group in the Materials Sciences and Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He received his Ph. D from the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017. Prior to joining ORNL, he was a post-doctoral associate in Yale University and in ORNL prior to that position. His research focuses on materials applications of quantum Monte Carlo method.

R&D Associate, MSTD, ORNL, TN (since 11/2022)
Post-doctoral Associate, Applied Physics, Yale University, CT 08/2019-11/2022  (w/ Sohrab Ismail-Beigi)
Post-doctoral Associate, MSTD, ORNL, TN 08/2017-08/2019 (w/ Fernando A. Reboredo)

PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA 09/2012-06/2017 (w/ Jeffrey C. Grossman)
BS Sabanci University, Istanbul, TURKEY 08/2007-06/2012

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