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Kostya Nasyedkin

Sample Environment Scientific Associate

Kostya Nasyedkin is a Sample Environment Scientific Associate at ORNL with an expertise in experimental low temperature physics. In the current role his interests include developing unique cryogenic sample environments for neutron scattering and providing a support for user experiments at low and ultra-low temperatures as well as high magnetic fields.

Kostya earned his Ph.D. from B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering in Kharkiv, Ukraine in 2012. After graduation, he continued his research as a postdoc in the Low Temperature Lab at RIKEN CEMS, Japan and in the Laboratory of Hybrid Quantum Systems at Michigan State University. Before joining Sample Environment Group at ORNL Kostya was a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. His research has focused on studying quantum fluids and solids, hybrid quantum systems and low-dimensional electron systems, with particular emphasis on the system of surface state electrons on liquid helium.