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Elaine E Pugh

Administrative Assistant/BTSD/META/ARMS/TA&DS

Elaine has a background in music education and decided to go back to college to acquire her Bachelor's in Business/Project Management after her four children were grown.  Since her graduation, she worked her way up through the ranks for almost 10 years at ORNL Federal Credit Union and became the Special Accounts Representative.  This job entails handling all the deceased accounts for the entire credit union and helping the front line employees navigate the legal and ethical challenges that these accounts present.  After ten years, she decided she would like to try a new adventure and expand her knowledge and contacts in the business world, so she is now working in a completely different field with very different circumstances and challenges.  This new adventure is very exciting and she is learning many new things that are very interesting and rewarding.

When not working, Elaine enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren and other family members.

Previous employment:  ORNL Federal Credit Union:  Special Accounts Rep. II (managed deceased accounts, estate accounts, Trusts, Power of Attorney submissions, Conservatorships and associated custodial contracts.)  Supported all front line employees as well as operations and management.

B.S. degree, (suma cum laude) from Colorado Technical University