Mr. Anderson

Marshall B Anderson

Senior Nuclear Software Engineer

With 27 years of experience in application development, Marshall Anderson is responsible for delivering and maintaining customized applications in support of safe, reliable, and efficient operation of the High flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). As a senior level developer, Marshall has focused on development of a Procedure Management System (DMS) that keeps all procedures organized, easy to find, and guarantees the correct revision of the procedure is always used. This system serves as the controlled source for the Research Reactors Division (RRD) documents including procedures, SAR, TSR, Internal guidelines, fire hazard analysis, PRA, etc. Other important features of DMS include automated revisions for document preparation, custom online approval chains, feedback tracking, and review schedules as defined by procedure type. He also wrote and maintains the EXSITE application. This experiment tracking tool is used for all In-Vessel Experiments that are done at HFIR. Important tools in EXSITE include a reservation system for Principal Investigators to reserve spots in the reactor that meet the right amount of flux needed by the experiment sponsor. Life-Span tracking of rabbits including supporting documentation. And one of the newer features added was the ability to complete Cycle Pool Work Instructions online. This new feature also incorporated a tracking feature to aid in keeping track of what’s in the pool and where it's at. When a Storage Location is used or marked for shipment the system alerts the user to other experiments or equipment that may already be in that location. This helps solve the issue of inadvertently sending extra irradiated objects to wrong individuals. Additionally, there are currently over 60 custom applications that are used for day-to-day operations at RRD. These applications meet any standards related to nuclear facilities and DOE guidelines as applicable. All Break/Fix and Upgrade Requests are routed through Marshall and one other co-worker, also matrixed from ITSD. Occasional server management and software upgrades are involved to keep down time to a minimum and applications available 24/7.


Mr. Anderson came to East Tennessee to assist HFIR in 2009, as a contractor, tasked with upgrading the HFIR suite of applications from Access Databases to a Microsoft SQL Server. During his time as a contractor Marshall learned how important HFIR was, this 85MW reactor is the highest flux reactor-based source of neutrons in the United States providing many world-class capabilities for research. He was retained as a Contractor until 2013 when he was hired on and joined ORNL as a full-time employee. Previously he spent many years in different roles including, Online Continued Education Training for Teachers & Administrators, developing first of its kind Online College courses for 4-year Universities, custom BMS application services for a best in industry Microbiology company, and premier level 24/7 development and support to 7 Tier One online banking & credit union institutions for direct to programmer support at a fee of over 1 million annually each.


Marshall attended Kansas State University and is a lifelong dedicated fan and donor to the Wildcat sports teams. Outside of work Marshall enjoys spending time with his wife and family, gardening, playing bocce, and coaching numerous athletic teams involving his four children.