Michael Sandoval

Michael A Sandoval

HPC Engineer

Michael earned his Bachelor of Science degree from San Jose State University (SJSU) in 2015, where he majored in Physics and minored in both Math and Astronomy. During his time at SJSU, he conducted research in observational astronomy and discovered the densest known galaxy in the universe.

He then received his Ph.D. in 2021 from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville where he studied the late-time evolution of core-collapse supernovae. His work involved running simulations on multiple HPC systems, including Titan and Summit, while visualizing data on Rhea and Andes using VisIt and Blender.

Michael now works with the User Assistance – Production group, with a particular interest in providing data visualization support for users of NCCS/OLCF resources.

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Michael A. Sandoval, Richard P. Vo, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Jay Strader, Jieun Choi, Zachary G. Jennings, Charlie Conroy, Jean P. Brodie, Caroline Foster, Alexa Villaume, Mark A. Norris, Joachim Janz, Duncan A. Forbes. "HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: RECORD-BREAKING COMPACT STELLAR SYSTEMS IN THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY" Astrophysical Journal Letters 808 (2015): L32. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/808/1/l32

Journal: The Astrophysical Journal Letters

July, 2015