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A Novel Capability to Support Nuclear Model Validation and Mapping of Biases and Uncertainties

Invention Reference Number

Abstract data

Computer model validation is essential for ensuring the accuracy of predictions made by physics system simulators. These simulators use mathematical equations to predict system behavior under various conditions. Current model validation practices often rely on conservative assumptions and do not account for post-validation calibration (PVC) changes, which can degrade the confidence in model predictions.


This technology introduces a parameter or response assist filter that ensures predictions from post-validation calibrated physics system simulators remain within the model validation domain (MVD). The assist filter can be predetermined or inferred from available measurements and operates by filtering parameter variations and responses to ensure they do not cause predictions to fall outside the MVD boundaries.


  • Maintains prediction accuracy within the model validation domain.
  • Reduces the risk of regulatory rejection or the need for complete revalidation.
  • Allows for continuous improvement and calibration of physics system simulators without compromising validation integrity.


  • Nuclear power plant safety analysis
  • Fuel testing and transportation in nuclear facilities
  • Validation of advanced fuel designs
  • Monitoring of nuclear weapon systems
  • Any domain requiring rigorous model validation and calibration


To learn more about this technology, email or call 865-574-1051.