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Development of 3D Printing-Assisted Type-V Tanks for Compressed Hydrogen Storage with High Operating Pressure


Invention Reference Number


The proposed technology will offer a cost-effective precision manufacturing method for lightweight liner-free tank type-V for compressed H2 storage with an operating pressure of 700 bar. To avoid the failure of the liner layers of current tank type-IV, such as buckling, due to the dissolution of the H2 at high operating pressure, the prime challenge is to manufacture liner-free tanks (type-V). Additionally, conventional blow molding or rotation molding to manufacture liner layers requires expensive molds as well as it has design limitations. However, removing the liner increases the chances of void generation which could be a major safety concern. We are proposing a 3D printing-assisted automated manufacturing method for making typeV tanks using dissolvable liner material. Using 3D printing technology (additive manufacturing), the requirement of expensive molds and design constraints can be avoided. In addition, a coating layer will be applied to the inner surface of the tanks to minimize the voids along with increased tortuosity factor offering a longer life span for the tanks.