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Efficient Tc Management with Guanidine-based Aqueous Complexant

Invention Reference Number


The selective sequestration of radioactive technetium in aqueous environments remains a significant challenge. Amidst various available strategies, the demand for a simple yet effective solution to capture pertechnetate ions in complex aqueous matrices persists. This study presents a novel approach utilizing water-soluble complexant for selective and efficient Tc capture. Specifically, a compound exhibiting high resistance to acid hydrolysis, demonstrates a remarkable ability to selectively bind tetrahedral oxoanion pertechnetate in the presence of access trigonal planar oxoanion nitrate. The complexant operates by an ion exchange mechanism, leading to 98% separation of pertechnetate in the aqueous phase of a bi-phasic solvent system. This innovative approach holds promise for addressing the challenge of radioactive technetium sequestration in used nuclear fuel reprocessing.


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