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Ion Irradiation of Functional Wurtzites


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The inherently high coercive field prevalent in wurtzite ferroelectrics is the critical challenge which impedes efficient polarization state switching crucial for microelectronic applications. The innovative approach to lower switching energies of wurtzite ferroelectrics, centers on manipulating defects. Strategic ion irradiation techniques aim to stabilize defect landscapes conducive to an enhanced device operation, by targeting the creation and annihilation of defect types such as point defects, grain boundaries, and nanoparticles. This technique utilizes the local and rapid interaction of incoming ions with host material’s lattice capable of bypassing kinetically-limited pathways towards defect stabilization that are not attainable by conventional methods. This strategic approach has yielded remarkable results, exemplified by a notable 41% reduction in the coercive field of boron-substituted aluminum nitride. Such a substantial reduction holds immense promise for revolutionizing microelectronics, offering the potential for enhanced performance, reduced power consumption, and improved device miniaturization, thus paving the way for transformative advancements in the field.