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2021 Best Workplace for Commuters, National Standard of Excellence

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

On January 28, 2021, Oak Ridge National Laboratory was recognized as a 2021 Best Workplace for Commuters (BWC) for meeting the program's National Standard of Excellence. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers have shifted their employee populations to working remotely; BWC recognizes telework as a key benefit of a successful employee commuter benefits package, helping increase program adoption nationally. ORNL is among great company in the list with employers like Google, IBM, and City of Knoxville, along with universities such as Harvard and Stanford University.

“Being designated a Best Workplace for Commuters is a notable accomplishment; to qualify, an employer must demonstrate its commitment to its employees by providing progressive commuter programs, like telework, discounted transit passes, bicycle-friendly amenities, and rideshare solutions,” said Julie Bond, Program Manager for Best Workplaces for Commuters. “Making this commitment has perks. By being recognized nationally as one of America’s leaders in helping employees commute smarter, these employers are able to recruit and retain talent, save on overhead costs, and work toward environmental sustainability goals."

About Best Workplaces for Commuters

Best Workplaces for Commuters (BWC) is the national authority on recognizing and assisting workplaces that provide comprehensive commuter benefits to employees. More than a recognition program, BWC provides the necessary assistance to create and sustain employer provided commuter benefit programs and offers recognition and tailored support for Employers, Universities, and Sites.

The program is managed by the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida with support from the Florida Department of Transportation.