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2022 DOE Sustainability Champion Award

Glen Cross award
Glenn Cross

DOE Sustainability Award Nomination

This year Sustainable ORNL nominated Glenn Cross, the CEDS administrator, for the DOE Sustainability Champion Award, with the hopes that he will be considered for the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Glenn Cross serves in a key leadership role for the ORNL Central Energy Data System (CEDS) management which supports the submittal of the annual Site Sustainability Plan, and other DOE Order 436.1 deliverables, all of which are data driven.  Glenn was on the lead implementation team for the implementation of CEDS at the ORNL site.  He was the CEDS System Architect and Originator, and he currently serves as the system administrator/manager.

Glenn’s talents in systems efficiency were integral in complying with advanced directives, including the need for networking of smart meters in key facilities to a scalable and sustainable Centralized Energy Data System (CEDS).  Glenn was the primary resource utilized to stand-up this system as he led the technology effort to develop system requirements/specs, evaluated vendors, and procured software and services to deliver the new system to ORNL. To maximize impact, the system delivered meter management tools as well as supervisory controls and visualization/trending/reporting capabilities to automate energy data.

CEDS continues to be supported by Glenn’s perseverance and capabilities, and it remains the backbone of ORNL’s energy management efforts. He continues to develop his knowledge of emerging resources while maintaining CEDS and continuously adding new meters and new data sources and capabilities.  This includes procuring specific meters, overseeing installation, commissioning, and integration into the various systems/modules, and maintaining this vast network of utility meters at DOE’s largest multi-program research lab. Glenn continues to manage the ever-growing system, improves trending/reporting interfaces, and oversees data streaming to researchers and operations personnel alike.

Over time, Glenn has led efforts to document all facility metering into ORNL’s work management and enterprise asset management system. With the recent deployment of Esri ArcGIS, the capability to join asset information with utility distribution system information has provided the means to create a master meter report/plan. This determines where metering is lacking and prioritizes resources toward additional metering. With Glenn’s knowledge of the system attributes of ArcGIS, the meter plan and meter implementation process are institutionalized into automated systems.