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Early Careers

Five ORNL scientists have been tapped by DOE’s Office of Science to receive significant research funding as part of the Early Career Research Program.

Matthew Beidler

Matthew Beidler, a physicist in the Fusion Energy Division, started on a research path at a very young age.

Melissa Cregger

A diverse group of fungi lives in symbiosis with poplar trees, sharing water and nutrients in a complex and mutually beneficial system. Understanding these interactions provides an opportunity to engineer ecosystems — maximizing soil health, mitigating adverse impacts on climate and producing resilient plants.

Fankang Li

It’s Fankang Li’s job to dream up new ways to see into the dynamics at play on the subatomic level. As a neutron method development scientist in the Neutron Technologies Division, Li creates new techniques and instruments.

Kiersten Ruisard

Beam halo — particles ejected far outside a particle accelerator’s core beam — limits the performance of high-intensity accelerators.

Daisuke Shiraki

Researchers preparing for sustained fusion devices must shift from technologies that feed fuel to a fusion plasma’s edge to ones, such as cryogenic pellets, that deliver fuel to the plasma’s core.

Samuel Ting

Samuel Ting shared the 1976 Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of the J/psi meson, which consists of a charm quark and a charm antiquark. More recently, he has led international collaborations in experimental physics onboard the Space Shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station, as well as at accelerators in the United States, Germany and Switzerland. He delivered the Eugene P. Wigner Distinguished Lecture on June 17, 2021, sharing an update on the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Experiment, which is being conducted on the ISS.