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Electromagnetic Moments of Radioactive 136Te and the Emergence of Collectivity 2p+2n outside of Double-Magic 132Sn

Publication Type
Journal Name
Physical Review Letters
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Conference Date

Radioactive 136Te has two valence protons and two valence neutrons outside of the 132Sn double shell closure, providing a simple laboratory for exploring the emergence of collectivity and nucleon- nucleon interactions. Coulomb excitation of 136Te on a titanium target was utilized to determine an extensive set of electromagnetic moments for the three lowest-lying states, including B(E2;0+1->2+1), Q(2+1), and g(2+1) . The results indicate that the first-excited state, 2+1 , composed of the simple 2p + 2n system, is prolate deformed, and its wavefunction is dominated by neutron degrees of freedom, but not to the extent previously suggested. It is demonstrated that extreme sensitivity of g(2+1) to the proton and neutron contributions to the wavefunction provides unique insight into the nature of emerging collectivity, and g(2+1) was used to differentiate among several state-of-the-art theoretical calculations. Our results are best described by the most recent shell model calculations.