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Infinity Close-Cycle Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Scienta-Omicron Infinity Close-Cycle Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 

Infinity STM

This scanning probe microscope has closed-cycle cooling enabling operation for months at cryogenic temperatures.  It is ideal to explore tip manipulation and assembly of atoms and molecules or for studies of molecules on conducting surfaces. The Nanonis control system has an open design for implementation of AI/ML control an automation.  Without need for liquid helium, this system also serves as a testing platform before lower temperature measurements are pursued.

•    STM/STS from 10-300 K with atomic resolution
•    q-Plus AFM
•    Nanonis control system with CNMS developed control and analysis tools
•    High temperature tip cleaning
•    Ar ion sample puttering
•    Annealing to 800 K
•    MBE deposition sources
•    Controlled gas exposures
•    Low Energy Electron Diffraction